Rules & Procedures The following information is being provided for information purposes only. In order to ensure that you are working with the most recent version of each document, please check the websites of the relevant organizations. American Arbitration Association, Commercial Arbitration Rules and Mediation Procedures – Including Procedures for Large, Complex Commercial Disputes, internet publication, [full text available]. Commission des Nations Unies pour le Droit Commercial International, Règlement d’arbitrage de la CNUDCI, version révisée en 2010, internet publication [full text available]. International Centre for Dispute Resolution (The International Division of the American Arbitration Association), International Dispute Resolution Procedures – Including Mediation and Arbitration Rules, Rules Amended and Effective June 1, 2009 – Fee Schedule Amended and Effective June 1, 2010, internet publication, [full text available]. International Chamber of Commerce, Rules of Arbitration, internet publication [full text available]. CPAM (Centre permanent d’arbitrage & de médiation du CADEV, Centre africain pour le droit & le développement), Règlement d’arbitrage & de médiation, internet publication [full text available]. UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, as revised in 2010, internet publication [full text available].