Alternative Dispute Resolution – General information
Many of the below references are clickable and available in full text:
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Brown, C. en Miles, K. (eds.), Evolution in Investment Treaty Law and Arbitration, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 746 p.
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De Fromont De Bouaille, C., Conciliation et Arbitrage, Economie Sociale, 1905, 244p.
Derains, Y. & Schwartz, E., A guide to the ICC rules of arbitration, Den Haag, Kluwer law international, 2005, 606 p.
Drahozal, C., & Hylton, K.,The Economics of Litigation and Arbitration: An Application to Franchise Contracts, Boston Univ. School of law Working paper No. 01-03, 32 p.
Drahozal, C., & Raymond, J., “Consumer Arbitration in the European Union and the United States”, North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation Vol. 28 (2003), 357.
Drahozal, C., & Raymond, J., “Is There a Flight from Arbitration?”, Hofstra Law Review Vol. 37 Iss. 1 (2008), 71-115.
Webster, Thomas H., Handbook of UNCITRAL arbitration: commentary, precedents and materials for UNCITRAL based arbitration rules, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 2010, ISBN 9781847038982, 1064 p.